Scotland win WSDC 2012

Scotland win WSDC for the fourth time, defeating Wales on the motion “This House regrets South Africa’s decision to use the Truth and Reconciliation Commission rather than prosecuting perpetrators of crimes committed under Apartheid”.  Congratulations Scotland!

Quarter-Final results

Quarter-Final results: Philippines beat Singapore 5-0; Scotland beat Australia 5-0; England beat New Zealand 3-2; and Wales beat Ireland 3-2. The Semi-Finals will therefore be Philippines v Scotland and England v Wales.

The motion was ‘This House believes that the gay right movement should “out” gay public figures’.

Thanks to @paullaucm, @debatetourney and others for spreading the word on Twitter.



Round 4 results

Round 4 was the prepared motion “This House believes that developing states should impose limits on internal rural-urban migration”.  Download the summary or aggregate results.

Note that one judge retired from duties through illness, but the debate was allowed to continue; adjudication team will confirm that result in due course.